关于篮球英语短文篇1My favorite Sports is basketball. It looks so cool in TV that I was crazy about those basketball stars ever since I was little.
Basketball requires speed, height and skills. I run, jump, switch, and try to hit! All parts of my body are exercised in this sport. I feel that I?m like wind flying in the playground for my goal, which makes me feel so GREat!
Basketball needs quick reaction and decision. When chance comes, it may disappear in the next second. I should keep an eye watching as an eagle, decide and judge quickly as a leopard, and run for it as a wolf.
Further more, basketball is a sports more than just exercising, It needs team work. No one can play himself. A team should work together. So I learn to cooperate with others in this game. I should understand what my teammate doing and what he needs me to do for him. On the other side, I should learn to show my teammate what I need. At the same time, I need to keep an eye on the whole game, knowing how is the situation of our team and how is the other team. It involved more cooperation and strategy.
I played basketball more for about 5 years now. I make many good friends throught this sports. It is proud to win honor for my team and my school. Also I enjoy all games with my friends. Basketball will be my best friends in the future and my best memory about school life.
关于篮球英语短文篇2I like sports very much. Football, basketball, running and swimming are my favorites. But I like playing basketball most, because I think playing basketball is very cool and interesting. I often play basketball with my classmates. We are a good team. Playing basketball is a good way to make friends. After all, we have common interests. Besides, I can build my body by playing basketball.
关于篮球英语短文篇3As one of the most important sports in the world,basketall is more and more popular in china ,especially among teenagers.why is basketall so welcoming?i think the first reason must be the midea,there are many tv programmes about basketball,such as the basketall park,the super weekend.they transported the value and the sport spirit of baketall,give a wide range of people the chance to fall in love with it.secondly ,playing basketball is good to your health ,both phisicaly can mentally. nowadays ,almost all the teenagers are under great pressure ,from schooling ,our parents ,the sociaty ,you name it .under this condition ,the basketall serves the best way to release the pressure and find some pleasure at the same time .just imagine you are in a bad mood ,then you go to the basketall court ,you drible heavily on the ground ,slam the ball to the board ,do a fade away jumper,layup,you can do everything you want without hurting anyone ,then after you finished ,you will find your sorrrow has gone ,and you are not so angry again.so that's one of the charming of the basketall。
乔丹出生在布鲁克林,童年是在北卡的威明顿(Wilmington,North Carolina)度过的。他进入Emsley A. Laney 高中,在那里他是一个平均成绩B+和三栖体育明星--橄榄球(4分卫),棒球,篮球。在大学里他的专业是地理学。 乔丹有两个哥哥,Larry和James R. 一个姐姐Delores一个妹妹Roslyn. James R.Jordan是18空降兵团35信号旅的军事长。在他47岁时因为坚持留守在伊拉克而小有名气。乔丹现在住在Highland Park,Illinois. 他参加了Laney高中的校队, 第二年时5英尺11英寸瘦弱的Jordan却被踢出了校队,到高三时,他的身高已经窜到了6英尺3英寸,从此,他真正迈上了巨星之路。乔丹曾就读于惠明顿高中。虽然那时他坎坷多难,一年级时多次被停赛,只是因为那5英尺11英寸的矮个子被篮球校队排斥在接下来的赛事之外,但最终他还是成为棒球 童年的乔丹队,篮球队和橄榄球队的优秀学生,卓越明星,在二,三年级之间的那个夏季,乔丹长了4英寸,他更加专心地练习球技,终于,他让校队在三,四年级赛季中每场比赛平均拿到25分。四年级时,乔丹入选麦当劳全美队,并成为历史上唯一获得三双场均29.2分,11.6个篮板,10.1次助攻的高中生。 高中毕业后,入选全美高中阵容的乔丹进入了一心向往的北卡。作为新人的他多少有点生活在高年级的James Worthy 和Sam Perkins的阴影下。但在NCAA 总决赛对阵Georgetown大学的赛场上,乔丹大放异彩。拿下16分9板并在最后18秒时投中了致胜一球,使北卡以63比62取得了胜利。让佐治亚大学的另一个伟大新人——猩猩帕特里克·尤因(Patrick Ewing)像多年以后在NBA一样——无功而返。 第二年,他被Sporting News评为年度最佳大学球员第三年,他再度当选并拿下Naismith and Wooden Awards。当年,他被芝加哥公牛在选秀大会上第三位选中。 那年休斯敦火箭队选的状元如大家所料,是休斯敦大学的7尺中锋——大梦哈基姆·奥拉朱旺(Hakeem Olajuwon)。出人意料的,波特兰开拓者选的榜眼是肯塔基的7尺1的中锋Sam Bowie。Bowie在大学时受过几次伤,但是开拓者队还是没有选择乔丹,因为他们前一年得到了另一个令人兴奋的得分后卫——滑翔机克莱德·德雷克斯勒(Clyde Drexler)。最后德雷克斯勒成为了明星而Bowie这个易于受伤的家伙则平庸的度过了自己的生涯。 继84奥运会上折下桂冠后,乔丹的菜鸟赛季光鲜照人,拿下了最佳新秀的称号。那年他的场均分高达28.2分(仅次于Bernard King和Bird) 同时还有6.5个篮板和5.9个助攻并入选第二阵容。更重要的是,公牛的胜场比上一年多了11场,成功晋级季后赛。在季后赛首轮,乔丹每场拿下29.3分,但可惜球队3:1负与密尔沃基雄鹿队,被淘汰出局。 “在他的菜鸟赛季里,他的攻击范围还不够大,防守时还显得有些松散。”他的第一个NBA教练Kevin Loughery如是说。他的中距离——据篮筐8-15 英尺——投篮还是很不错的(命中率达到51. 5%),他的抢断也掩盖了他防守时身体姿势不够标准的缺点。在这两个方面的提高将会使他最终成为在球场任何位置都能给对方带来威胁的角色并让他成为最好的一对一防守球员。 "甚至在他菜鸟赛季正式开始之前,人们都确信火箭和开拓者将后悔他们的选择",当年的得分王伯纳德·金(Bernard King)早在季前赛时就非常确定的对灌篮杂志(Hoop magazine)这样说到—— "我只能说",King 说:“芝加哥的人们真是赚翻了。” 事实也证明如此,在菜鸟赛季乔丹就征服了大众,前来芝加哥体育馆看球的观众呈几何倍数增长。只要能看到乔丹的精彩表演,对方球队的球迷甚至愿意付出输掉比赛的代价。 而乔丹的场外表现和他在篮球场上一样独特而有魅力。由于他无可限量的美好前景,耐克早早就签下他作为最主要的球鞋代言人,但是得到的效果还是远远超过了预期的打算。在乔丹菜鸟季前赛时,他穿过一款前所未见的公牛红黑配色的战靴,NBA一开始认为这违反“球服一致性守则”,如果他继续穿的话将被处以罚款。他依然又穿了几次,结果这个鞋款和其他MJ系列的球鞋引起了市场的空前热潮。和大部分NBA球员不同,他的合同中允许他可以在休赛期间任意时候打球——这个条款被称为“篮球之爱条款”。 当他飞向篮圈时他习惯把他的舌头伸出来——就像他父亲做机械活时那样,这个动作也成为了他个人商标之一。他一直把他钟爱的北卡的球裤穿在公牛的球裤下面,这使他开始穿加长一些的球裤,亦或者是因为加长的球裤可以使他穿的更加舒适。不管是什么原因,总之宽大松垮的球裤成为了一种时尚在全联盟甚至其他的体育项目中蔓延。 这个菜鸟的魔法甚至都施到了裁判的身上,他们说他享受到了那些打拼多年的老将才能享受到的一点优待,以至于他哪怕多迈一步都不会被吹走步。很多人说他之所以能这么轻易的晃过防守人员是因为他走步了。但是据慢镜头分析真正的原因是他的第一步太快了,而并没有违反任何规则。 尽管备受瞩目,乔丹始终保持着谦逊。他从没有奚落开拓者没有选择他,在菜鸟赛季之前他这样告诉体育画报(Sports Illustrated):“他(Bowie)比我更适合他们,他们已经有够多的大个后卫和小前锋了。”他的自谦更明显的体现在同一篇文章的另一句话:“我希望我这一生起码能打上一次全明星赛”。 这个目标很快得以实现,不久后他被票选为全明星赛东部队首发得分后卫。在全明星赛上,他遇到了职业生涯的第一个障碍:他的队友,底特率活塞队的伊赛亚·托马斯(Isiah Thomas)。媒体认为是托马斯故意用不传球的方法冻结了这个黄金新秀在全明星赛上的发挥,以至于作为首发得分后卫的乔丹在22分钟的出场时间里仅仅得到7分。剩下的日子里他只能独自一人面对这个所谓的阴谋。关于这件事的推测持续了很久,但是托马斯本人否认这个说法。最终,这段恩怨以2003年全明星赛上时任东部全明星队主教练的托马斯说服文斯·卡特(Vince Carter)把先发位置让给了参加最后一届全明星赛的乔丹而告终。 第二个赛季仅仅打了三场比赛,乔丹左脚的一块骨头骨折,尽管被票选入全明星赛也未能出席。但是在赛季末回归球场的他在季后赛第一轮对抗凯尔特人的比赛中就拿下了63分的季后赛历史得分记录。经过两个加时,公牛最终以131-132一分之差饮恨,也以被横扫的命运离开了季后赛;但在这个系列的比赛中乔丹拿下了43.7的平均得分,这让所有曾经怀疑乔丹能力的人都闭上了嘴。 从86-87赛季开始,他持续整个职业生涯的改写NBA记录的运动正式开始。这年他拿下了37. 1的场均得分,并在此后的7年中始终维持着30+的得分;连续9场得分40+,一场比赛中连续得到23分……这些都是NBA的记录。在全明星赛中他捧走了灌篮大赛的奖杯,并在翌年成功卫冕。遗憾的是,凯尔特人队再次在季后赛第一轮淘汰了公牛队。 赛季结束后,公牛的管理层开始组建一支冠军级别的球队。球队选来了大前锋霍里斯·格兰特(Horace Grant),又在选秀日用中锋Olden Polyinice从西雅图超音速队那里换来了全能小前锋斯科蒂·皮蓬(Scottie Pippen)。87-88赛季,乔丹拿下了所有你能想到的重要奖项,最有价值球员,最佳防守球员,全明星MVP……应有尽有。在强力队友的帮助下,乔丹带领公牛淘汰克里弗兰骑士队通过了季后赛的第一轮,无奈第二轮1-4负于底特率活塞。活塞队号称"坏孩子兵团",他们极具侵略性的打法让乔丹的公牛队此后连续两年在东部决赛中含恨而归。活塞教练组创造出了一种名为“乔丹规则”的防守策略,简单的说就是永远有两到三人包夹乔丹。尽管公牛一直闯不过这道难关,但是他们却一点一点接近着总冠军! 88-89赛季的乔丹数据大丰收,场均得分32.5,个人生涯最高的8.0个场均助攻排名联盟第10,以及职业生涯最高的8.0个篮板和排名联盟第三的2.89个抢断。在季后赛第一轮对骑士队第5场的决定性战役中,乔丹在克雷格·伊洛(Craig Ehlo)头顶射入了一记滞空时间超长的压哨跳投,从而使公牛队以101-100险胜对手。这一史称“那一投”(the shot)的精彩进球也永远留在了人们心中。 在89-90赛季开始之前,体育画报(Sport Illustrated)发表文章写道,乔丹在考虑退役后打美国职业高尔夫巡回赛(PGA tour)。与此同时,芝加哥的管理层却在做着另外的举动。那个夏天,公牛队解雇了主教练道格·科林斯(Doug Collins),请来了"禅师"菲尔·杰克逊(Phal Jackson)。在杰克逊的指导下,公牛队开始练习"三角进攻",一种用快速传球和切入来给场上5个人创造机会的战术系统,但是当战术失败且进攻时间不多时,乔丹拥有任意开火权。那一年常规赛,公牛队拿下55-27的佳绩,这是公牛队自从71-72赛季以来的最好战绩。乔丹在对骑士队的比赛中拿下职业生涯最高的69分,经过一个加时以117-113战胜了对手。他的三分球也开始成为了一项武器,37.6%的命中率比以前整整高出了10%。然而活塞在东部决赛最后一场中又艰难的打碎了公牛的梦想。 连续三年负于活塞,让很多人怀疑一个像乔丹这样的得分机器是无法拿到总冠军头衔的。有很多批评者认为他不如80年代的两位巨星大鸟伯德(Larry Bird)和魔术师约翰逊(Magic Johnson),他们认为乔丹只是一个单纯的得分手,不能像大鸟和魔术师那样让队友做的更好;大鸟和魔术师一入队就帮助球队成为顶级强队,但是乔丹的公牛直到在80年代后期还是一支中游球队。但是1991年后公牛王朝的崛起以及乔丹的逐渐成熟让他们闭上了嘴。 1991赛季,乔丹带领公牛一路高歌猛进,整个季后赛仅仅输了两场,以绝对的统治力第一次登顶。这其中包括在东部决赛中横扫活塞报了一箭之仇,在总决赛主场先负一局的情况下直落四局击败湖人夺冠。由于魔术师约翰逊不久因为艾滋病退役,这轮比赛成为湖人队表演时刻("Showtime")的绝唱。乔丹场均得到31.4分、6.4个篮板、8.4次助攻,并捧起了他六个NBA总决赛最有价值球员奖杯中的第一个。 这时的乔丹已经把头发完全剃光,一方面引领了发型的新潮流,另一方面也让自己看起来更加出众。他也终于圆了自己的冠军梦。虽然他对队友苛刻要求和尖酸批评,但是胜利是最好的润滑剂。此后两年,公牛队都是6场就把克莱德·德雷克斯勒(Clyde Drexler)的开拓者队和查尔斯·巴克利(Charles Barkley)的太阳队解决,拿下总冠军。 在这个三连冠的后期,乔丹已经不再仅仅是一个明星,他已经到达一个英雄的境界。在他职业生涯的早期,他羡慕小飞侠彼得·潘(Peter Pan)脱离地球引力的跳跃,羡慕他能够永保青春。然而在这三年中,球员和球队们似乎都承认了“脱离地球引力的跳跃,能够永保青春”的正是乔丹。他拥有了无数老老少少的球迷,尤其是对于孩子们他仿佛具有一种魔力,就像他代言的运动饮料广告词那样写的“像乔丹那样(Be Like Mike)”,让那些孩子们疯狂地追随着他的脚步。
Basketball was on the Olympic programme in 1904, but the event was contested by only a few American club teams and actually served as the AAU (Amateur (业余爱好者)Athletic Union of the USA) Championship for that year. Thus the event is usually considered only an exhibition. The winning team, incidentally(偶然地), was the Buffalo German club, which was so dominant in those days that they were inducted(引导;引入) into the Basketball Hall of Fame as a team.
In 1936, basketball made its first appearance as a medal sport at the Olympics, and the sport has been included in every Olympic Games since. In 1976, women's basketball was added to the programme. The United States has dominated international basketball. The USA won all the Olympic titles until 1972 when they were defeated by the Soviet Union. The Soviet women were originally the top team on the female side, winning gold in 1976, 1980 and 1992, but the US women have now surpassed them, winning gold medals in 1984, 1988, 1996 and 2000.
Today, basketball has become one of the most popular sports in the world, rivalling (竞争,对抗)football (soccer) for world-wide popularity and trailing only volleyball and track and field athletics in terms of number of member federations. US College basketball is wildly popular in the United States, culminating each March with the NCAA Championships. The National Basketball Association (NBA) is the professional basketball league in the United States and universally considered to be the strongest in the world with the European leagues being close in terms of competition and public awareness.
basketball has a histroy of a century.the inventor of basketball ,jame nai *** ith ,came from canada.he invented basketball foe his students in 1891.at first ,it was an indoor game so that students could play in bad weather.
翻译 篮球有一百多年的历史,篮球的发明者吉姆 奈史密斯,来自加拿大。
basketball has a histroy of a century.the inventor of basketball ,jame naismith ,came from canada.he invented basketball foe his students in 1891.at first ,it was an indoor game so that students could play in bad weather.
翻译 篮球有一百多年的历史,篮球的发明者吉姆 奈史密斯,来自加拿大。他在1981年为他的学生发明了篮球。起先,他是一个室内运动,目的是让学生可以在糟糕的环境下玩。
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy 只顾工作不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。 (演讲节选) Resign Speech by Jordan 乔丹退职演讲 I am here to announce despair my retirement from the game of bas-ketball. It won't be another announcement to baseball or anything to that nature. I think that everyone has their own reasons. There's been a lot of speculations in terms of why.I'm pretty sure I'll get to that point once you guys get an opportunity to ask questions. 我在此宣布我退出篮坛的决定。这个声明不表示我要转行打棒球或者做任何这类事情。每个人都有自己的想法。已经有很多人在猜测原因。我确信,当你们有人提问时,我会谈到这点。 But I want to say thank you to both of the gentlemen here,Mr.Stern and Mr. Rheinstorf,for presenting me with the opportunity to play the game of basketball and certainly to give me an opportunity to e to Chicago and meet my beautiful wife and build a family here. I want to say thanks to both of those gentlemen and to all the fans in Chicago for allowing me to e here and they've adopted me to one of theirs. 我要感谢这里的两位先生—斯特恩先生和莱恩斯托夫先生。因为他们给了我打篮球的机会,给予我机会来到芝加哥,遇到我美丽的妻子并在此建立了家庭。我要感谢这两位先生和芝加哥所有的球迷—他们已经接纳我成为他们中的一员。 I will be in Chicago for my career hopefully,and for the rest of my life. My wife won't allow me to move nowhere else. So I will be in Chica-go , and I will support Chicago teams. 为了我的事业,我会留在芝加哥,我希望在此度过余生。我的妻子绝不会允许我搬家。所以我会留在芝加哥,我会支持芝加哥的球队。 ? 唐僧的家书: 亲爱的悟空,我这封信写的很慢,因为知道你看字不快。 我们已经搬家了,不过地址没改,因为搬家的时候把门牌带来了。 这礼拜下两次雨,第一次下3天,第二次下4天。 昨天我们去买比撒,店员问我要切成8片还是12片,我说8片就成了,12片吃不完。 我给你寄去件外套,怕邮寄时超重,把扣子剪下来放口袋里了。 嫦娥生了,因为不知道是男是女,所以不知道你是该当舅舅还是阿姨。 最后告诉你本来想给你寄钱。可是信封已经封上了 国庆快到了,别忘了给孩子们讲讲很久很久很久以前的事:那时候天还是蓝的,水也是绿的,庄稼是长在地里的,猪肉是可以放心吃的,牛奶是可以放心喝的,耗子还是怕猫的,法庭是讲理的,结婚是先谈恋爱的,理发店是只管理发的,药是可以治病的,医生是救死扶伤的,拍**是不需要陪导演睡觉的,照相是要穿衣服的,欠钱是要还的,孩子的爸爸是明确的,卖狗肉是不能挂羊头的,结婚了是不能泡mm的,买东西是要付钱的
A young Chinese girl's journey to create a future for herself, despite losing both legs in a tragic accident, has become the story that inspired thousands of disable people in China.
Qian Hongyan, from Yunnan, south west China, made the headlines in 2005 when she was photographed 'walking' with the help of a basketball.Today, that same young woman is a champion swimmer with Paralympic dreams.In 2009, the determined girl became a national champion in the Chinese National Paralympics Swimming Competition.Last September, she won another gold medal in the 100m breaststroke final in the Yunnan Provincial Paralympic Games.
A four-year-old Qian Hongyan had both of her legs amputated after getting into an accident in 2000 where she nearly lost her life. Her family were extremely impoverished. They farmed and produced silk for a meager living. According to People's Daily Online, with little resources available, her grandfather resorted to cutting up an old basketball to replace of her lower body.The little girl learnt to 'walk' on her hands by supporting her entire upper body using wooden pads with handles.The basketball helped her to balance and provided a platform to rest on when she got tired.
She spent many years of her childhood being dubbed the 'Basketball Girl' by locals as a result.In 2005, Qian Hongyan's incredible hardship caught the widespread attention of Chinese, and later, international media. It also became a turning point in the then ten-year-old girl's life. With the help and support of donations, she was given the chance to travel more than 1,600 miles to Beijing and be fitted with her first pair of legs.
Then another blow came in 2007. Through donations, Qian Hongyan was able to attend and finish primary school.However, according to Xinhua news, she was faced with the reality that her family simply did not have enough money to allow her to continue her education beyond the age of 11.
While most people would be disheartened by the dashed hope of a future, Qian Hongyan set out to create her own destiny.
She returned to Yunnan where she was encouraged to join South of the Cloud, a local swim team for people with disability and one of the first of its kind in China. Qian Hongyan's high amputation made swimming particularly difficult.She revealed in an interview with China Daily: 'It seemed there was no way I could float in the water. I always choked.'But she really put her heart into the sport.
Within a few years, she was winning gold medals at national competitions and had dreams of representing China in the Paralympics in London 2012. In 2009, Qian made headlines again by winning one gold medal and two silver medals in the Chinese National Paralympics Swimming Competition.
In September 2014, Qian won the 100m breaststroke final during the Yunnan Provincial Paralympic Games, which put her and her incredible life stories back in the spotlight.It seems that Qian has turned her eventful childhood into a life filled with inspiration and incredible strength. One that few in China could live to match. And one of determination.
1 谭千秋,男, 2008年5月12日,四川绵竹发生强烈地震。在地震中,东汽中学一栋教学楼顷刻坍塌。当时,谭千秋校友正在这栋教学楼的教室里上课。危急时刻,他用双臂将四名高二一班的学生紧紧地掩护在身下。
13日晚上,当人们从废墟中将他扒出来时,他的双臂还张开着,趴在课桌上,手臂上伤痕累累,后脑袋被楼板砸得凹了下去,献出了年仅51岁的生命,而四名学生则在他的保护下成功获救。英文: Tan qiangiu, male, May 12, 2008, a powerful earthquake in sichuan mianzhu. During the earthquake, DongQi secondary schools a teaching building collapsed instantly. At the time, tan qiangiu alumni are the teaching building's classroom. A crisis, he used his arms will four senior middle class in the student tightly under cover.
Basketball is still a young game. It is over a hundred years old. In the winter of 1891 a certain college was having trouble with boy students. The weather was so bad that the students had to stay indoors. Because they could not enjoy their sports outside as usual, they were unhappy, and some of them even got into fight from time to time.
Finally one of the teachers at the college J.E Naismith, was asked to invent (发明 ) a new game for students. It was not as easy job because such a game had to be played indoors, and the court was not very large.
Naismith thought for a few days and invented a kind of ball games. It was a fast, exciting game. At first, Naismith had planned to have the ball thrown into a box.. As they could not find boxes of the right size, he had to use fruit baskets instead.